
Advantages of a CDI membership:

  • Expansion of personal contacts and as a result of that an enhancement of the spectrum of possible business connections.
  • Expansion of international business contacts and relations to various governments, banks, lawyers, trustees and industrial concerns.
  • Grant of the membership card of the International Diplomatic Club, documenting the membership of one of the most exclusive Clubs with worldwide recognition. Further the CDI membership card guarantees a preferred treatment as well as many advantages and privileges, previously only granted to diplomats.
  • Support of public welfare institutions such as UNICEF, IKRK etc.
  • Members are allowed to use the prestigious CDI-logo on their business cards, letter paper and envelopes.
  • Next to a CDI membership card and a certificate of membership, members receive, according to their rank, licensed stickers, CDI-pins, car-plates etc.
  • As a special service CDI has managed to have a number of discounts (diplomatic discounts) at diverse hotels, car rentals and air carriages worldwide for our members. Our diplomatic discounts can account for up to 50%!
  • The national delegations are happy to support you with council and actions when you are traveling.

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